Flosst - Your
Patient motivation Solution

No more banging your head against a brick wall, Flosst is an oral care coach for your patients. A dental professional in their pocket.
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Clinicians Dashboard

View your patients progress between appointments.

Become your patients accountability

See what articles they have been looking at on the app.

Have  data driven relatable and valuable conversations.

Why Flosst?

Patient Engagement
Patients feel you care beyond the practice walls
Patient accountability between appointments
Simple easy and fun for your patients to make oral health a habit

Clinician Support Technology
Track Patients oral health routines & progress between appointments
Patients have oral health instruction and advice at their fingertips, no more leaflets and print outs

Data Driven Practice Management
Easily track your patients dental interests, medical stats and practice psychographics. For targeted sales and marketing.

Support your patients
to build  healthy habits.

Show your patients you genuinely care, add value and create raving fans .
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"We are always looking for ways to help our patients acheive good oral health. There is so much evidence around health tracking improving motivation,
so its great to finally have something to offer our patients " Ala.. Dentist worcestershire

Let's worktogether

Contact us now to find out more about how flosst can benefit your practice and your patients
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